Every parent is a "teacher" to his/her child. The faculties of orderliness, discipline, dedication and enquiry take root at home and develop further at school. To carry out the joint responsibility, the school requests the parents to:
Know your child’s strengths & weaknesses.
Have supportive conditions at home.
Your enthusiasm can motivate learning at home.
Monitor your child’s practice work.
Emphasize the importance of effort, hard work and regularity in work.
Most important : Be around when your child needs you.
Message from Chairman
The parents are informed in written along with the timings. Parents and students are expected to meet the teachers according to the time schedule. All parents must reach in time so that the teachers can get time to work on their own schedule, once the meeting is over.
Parents have the opportunity to speak with teachers about their child’s progress, needs and abilities. Students get to show their parents around their school and classrooms, informing them of activities, projects and assignments they have completed.
These meetings let teachers and parents to meet and discuss issues regarding students. They will also explain the teaching styles and their methods of monitoring students’ behaviour and progress in class.